Attractability and Palatability of Rendered Animal Proteins to Blue Shrimp, Litopenaeus stylirostris

Title: Attractability and Palatability of Rendered Animal Proteins to Blue Shrimp, Litopenaeus stylirostris Principle Investigator: George Chamberlain Year: 2008 Objective: (1) To quantify the levels of commonly recognized factors of attractability and palatability such as soluble protein, small chain peptides, free amino acids, taurine and nucleotides in four terrestrial animal protein ingredients, namely petfood-grade poultry … Continued

Replacement of Fish Meal with Mixed Rendered Animal Protein in Practical Diets for 9 Siberian Sturgeon (Acipense baeri Brandt)

Title: Replacement of Fish Meal with Mixed Rendered Animal Protein in Practical Diets for Siberian Sturgeon (Acipense baeri Brandt) Principle Investigator: Min Xue Year: 2007 Objective: 1) To evaluate a higher mixed rendered animal protein utilization level (75-100%) in diet for Siberian sturgeon on the growth performance, economical returns and somatotropic axis responsiveness to fish … Continued